Lime and trace minerals: Learn the benefits they bring for your body

Everyone knows limes, they add that tasty sour touch to our food and beverages when we put it in small quantities. But, did you know limes in your diet also provide healthy nutrients and vitamins for your body?

Limes can reduce inflammation, protect against infections and speed up healing processes. The Vitamin C in limes helps to develop healthy bones and teeth, improve your immune system, and give you a great looking skin. Also, limes contain small amounts of protein, vitamin A. calcium and iron, all of them very important nutrients for a wholesome diet.

When picking limes in your local grocery store, what should you aim for? The better limes you’re looking for are bright, heavy and full of color; that way you’ll know they have plenty of juice to add to your salad, fish, soup, tea and many other recipes. Or just squeeze, add water, ice, stevia (or another sweetener) and make a refreshing lemonade for a hot afternoon.

Limes help to improve your daily diet, if you’re not consuming enough water, a squeeze of lime will enhance the flavor, encouraging to drink more. Taking lemonade instead of sugary drinks will reduce the amount of sugar and fat in your daily intake. Compounds in lime stimulate the digestive system and the absorption of food. The citric acid found in lime helps boost the metabolism of your body, making it burn more calories and storing less fat.

Now, let’s talk about the virtues of trace minerals in your body. They are essential minerals, meaning that we need to get them from food, even in small amounts, being crucial for development and overall health.

If you want to stay healthy, you need your body to regulate its internal pH. pH is a measure of how acidic or alkaline a solution is, and it’s regulated by chemical buffers, weak acids and bases, which avoid big changes in your internal environment.

Our bodies function at a cellular level and the cells must keep alkalinity in order to maintain vital processes. A very acidic state can cause a lack of oxygen at a cellular level. A pH below 7.4 is sub-optimal, letting mold, bacteria, and viruses to grow. A low or acidic pH also results in the production of fat cells, storing it in the body.

Trace minerals play an important part in helping to keep balanced levels of pH, improving your overall health.

  • Iron: Found in enriched breads and cereals, whole grains, nuts, meat, poultry, and beans. Very important for pregnancy and childhood, intervenes in blood manufacturing.
  • Copper: Found in fruits, vegetables, nuts, beef, organ meats, and beans. Helps in the formation of bones and cartilage.
  • Molybdenum: Vital for many processes in your body, it activates essential enzymes, which are biological molecules that drive chemical reactions in the body.
  • Iodine: You can get iodine from iodized salt. Regulates metabolism, growth, and development.
  • Manganese: Is part of many foods, particularly plants. Important enzyme for your body.
  • Chromium: Present in grains, nuts, cheeses and liver. Helps insulin to regulate blood sugar levels.
  • Selenium: Is found in grains, meat, and seafood. Have antioxidant properties.
  • Zinc: Can be consumed through vegetables, meat, fish, poultry, and some grains. Crucial in fetal development, adolescent development, wound healing, and boost the immune system.

Nutra Health supplements contain lime-based ingredients, you can get the nutrients and vitamins from lime, helping your cardiac and respiratory systems, boosting your immune response, and plenty of benefits for your health. Trace minerals, like iron and zinc, are also present, complementing your daily intake for these important elements. A great way to keep a balanced diet, in a practical presentation for you.

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